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June 2017 Regulatory Update

This month we’re taking a look at recent actions by the Trump Administration surrounding Gainful Employment, takeaways from the CECU convention and how you can better advocate for our students and industry. Has the Trump Administration breathed new life into our beleaguered industry? The recent Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) conference left participants feeling hopeful […]

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Gragg Advertising Helps Kansas City Go Red for Heart Health

Gragg Advertising tapped by the American Heart Association to produce “Go Red” campaign work.   Kansas City, MO – 5/25/2017 – Gragg Advertising has been tapped by the American Heart Association to help raise awareness and critical funds for the 2017 Go Red For Women campaign. This partnership aims to shift the conversation around heart health […]

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May 2017 Regulatory Update

We ushered in 2009 on an air of hope and change. Eight years later, we have hope that the new Administration will change the previous Administration’s policies that were laser-focused on destroying one segment of higher education and advance the more-equitable philosophy of accountability parity across all institutions of higher education. The past five years […]

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Attribution Offline to Online 2017 Study

The ability to track prospects and inquiries across multiple channels is commonly viewed as one of the most important challenges to overcome by marketers and advertisers. In fact, 46% of marketers cited “proving the ROI of our marketing activities” as one of the biggest challenges they face within their company, according to HubSpot’s 2016 State […]

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Importance of Video in Content Marketing Strategy

A year ago we posted on our blog about Facebook Canvas, user experience, immersive content, and the imminent reign of video. Well, video is no longer an “up-and-coming” tactic. It’s here, it’s powerful, and it’s all about the brand. Thanks to social platforms putting video first, brand focus has shifted right before our eyes. Not […]

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Fundamental Values of Nonprofit Marketing

One of advertising’s greatest challenges is battling public perception that all advertising and marketing is dishonest, corrupt, and downright evil. An even harder challenge is battling this perception in nonprofit marketing. Nonprofits are generally perceived as a societal saving grace in the wake of corporate trickery and greed, so one would think marketing a benevolent […]

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Video Marketing: Through the Lens in 2017

If you’ve been living under a rock these past few years, it may have slipped your notice that video consumption has risen to a digital marketing superpower. Lucky for you, the team here at Gragg Advertising has been keeping up with video’s prophetic rise. Video has obviously existed since the birth of the internet, but […]

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Darryl Mattox

Four Ways to Jump-Start Your Referral Program

Has anyone seen a referral lately? Referral programs in higher education institutions have withered away in recent years due to concerns in the political environment. Our data shows in 2005, 50 percent of inquiries were from referrals, converting at 18 percent. In 2014, 9 percent of leads were from referrals, converting still at 18 percent. […]

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Pay-Per-Lead: Using Data to Find Your Match

We all know how online dating works, at least conceptually. You, the eligible single, put in all the criteria of what you’re looking for in a potential dating prospect. You can choose physical features: blonde, brunette, red head. You can select a height and weight range. You can even get super granular about it, looking […]

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Content Marketing Pt. 2: Context & Customer Journey

Content Marketing So, advertisers of the world, how do we make content that is worth consumers’ time? Make it valuable to them is the obvious answer. For starters, the approach to content strategy should be like all other advertising – get to the consumer in their time of need with something that adds value to […]

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