Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools

A nationally recognized agency, Accrediting Bureau of Health Educating Schools (ABHES) has been a leader in health education accreditation for more almost half a century. When their web presence needed an overhaul, they turned to the experts at Gragg.

Website UX & Development

ABHES needed a user-friendly website that would engage users and provide them with easy access to the information they were seeking. Using the latest best practices, Gragg designed and developed a website that both functions and looks great.

Information Architecture

As an accreditation agency, ABHES’s website requires access to a lot of information and documentation. Gragg efficiently structured this information in a logical, easy-to-use manner to improve functionality and enhance visitor experiences.

Content Development & Copywriting

The old adage “content is king” is still true. Gragg researched, wrote and edited content using ABHES’s brand voice to provide relevant information, improve SEO and enhance their reputation as industry thought leaders.

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