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October Washington Update – Best Practices for a Military & Veteran-Friendly School

Hot topics surrounding industry regulation and inquiry generation are constantly changing within our EDU sector. We realized that over the last year, the content and focus of the EDU Update gravitated toward what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and now we’re making the change official. Each month Gragg Advertising’s Washington Update is designed to help keep your finger on the pulse of the news that matters to you and your business.

With the recent enacting of the Forever GI Bill, more veterans are eligible to access these benefits to pursue higher education. Schools can embrace this unique, non-traditional population by providing the appropriate services and programs to ensure positive outcomes. Let’s take a look at how you can ensure your school is military and veteran friendly.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill offers military, veterans, and their families the most generous education benefit in history. The Forever GI Bill enhances the already-robust benefit. Is your school able to meet the needs of military and veteran students? Download the full article to explore best practice for admissions/recruiting, institutional commitment, student services and tracking success.

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If you don’t have time to read the article now, please watch my video overview discussing:

  • Characteristics of military and veteran students
  • How support leads to better outcomes
  • Best Practices for Military and Veteran Students
  • And more. . .

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