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Darryl Mattox

Important Next Steps with Gainful Employment Delay

As of Friday, June 30th, 2017 the US Department of Education (ED) announced highly anticipated guidance on Gainful Employment (GE) requirements. The Department has delayed the enforcement of disclosure requirements and extended the deadline for earnings appeals until July 1, 2018.

Click here to read more of the official ED announcement.

While this is welcome news to our industry, this also brings new opportunity for advocacy. Consider taking the following steps:

  1. Submit your thoughts about GE. Institutions have 30 days to submit comments through the Negotiated Rulemaking process.
  2. Meet with Members of Congress and invite them to your campuses. Show them how you care for your students and tell them how GE would hurt your ability to serve them.
  3. Get plugged-in to Career Education Colleges and Universities’ (CECU’s) efforts on Capitol Hill and with the Administration; they are a tremendous resource.  

Despite the aforementioned delay, the deadline to have your GE program pages updated with a completed disclosure template, or link, remains July 1, 2017. Are you in compliance? Contact your Gragg service team member if you have questions about meeting this requirement.

We hope you’ll join us in advocacy efforts as we continue this rebuilding and recovery period.


Darryl Mattox


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